

Academic Notice Very Important: Conducting the 1st Fall Semester Course Evaluation

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관리자 2020-09-17 09:51

Dear students,

This Fall Semester of 2020 during the time of COVID-19, to ensure the education quality, Dongseo University will conduct Course Evaluations three times, plus the end-of-semester course evaluation.  

 1. Purpose: Education Quality Assurance

 2. Course Evaluation Dates
 - 1st: Sept 22 - Sept 28.
 - 2nd: Oct 20 - Oct 26 (Midterm-exam period)
 - 3rd: Nov 17 - Nov 23.

 4.  End-of-term Course Evaluation
 - Dec 16 - Dec 27

For the Education Quality Assurance, please participate the coure evaluations.

Dean, International College