

Academic Notice Course Delivery Modes in the Spring Semester of 2021

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관리자 2021-03-01 13:41

Course Delivery Modes in the Spring Semester of 2021

DSU's Office of Academic Affairs has announced that the course delivery modes in the Spring Semester of 2021. 
The course delivery modes will be decided by the social distancing levels relevant with COVID-19 regulated by
Korea Government and Busan City Governnment.

Social distancing Level 1.5
- Blended learning mode (offline class approved)
- Each classroom can only accomodate half number of the students assigned to the room.

Social distancing Level 2
- Blended learning mode (offline class approved)
- Each classroom can only accomodate half number of the students assigned to the room.

Social distancing Level 2.5
- Offline classes only approved for experimental, practice, or hands-on courses
- For International College, the animation, film, game, and computer engineering classes can have in-person classes.

Social distancing Level 3
Online only; No offlline classes are allowed.