

COVID-19 The additional reservation for corona vaccination

Read 821

관리자 2021-08-25 14:22

[The additional reservation for corona vaccination]

If you didn't reserve vaccination yet, please reserve during the additional reservation period.
If you want to change the vaccination schedule which you already reserved, you can cancel your previous reservation and make a new reservation during this period.

Please refer to my previous notice about how to reserve vaccination online.

If you have difficulties, please visit the IC office for a help.

- Target : People aged 18~49
- Reservation period : From Aug 21 until 18:00 on Sep 18
- Type of vaccine : either Pfizer or Moderna (randomly decided depending on the period)
- Place : you can choose one in the reservaction system
- Vaccination period : You can choose a date for the 1st shot between Aug 26 and Oct 2. (The 2nd shot will be after 6 weeks)
- Link of Reservation system: https://ncvr.kdca.go.kr/
- How to reserve: see my previous notice at the link below.
