

COVID-19 Vaccination of COVID-19

Read 788

관리자 2021-12-23 14:52

[Vaccination of COVID-19]

1) For a booster shot (the 3rd shot)

- You can get the 3rd shot from 90 days after your 2nd shot.

- If you got your 2nd shot abroad, you should first register it at the National Health Center.

  (For how to register it, please see the notice No. 640 at https://uni.dongseo.ac.kr/ic/index.php?pCode=MN0000013&mode=view&idx=1245

- you can reserve it at the KDCA reservation system (http://ncvr.kdca.go.kr)
- Otherwise, you can reserve left vaccine (잔여백신) in Kakao Talk on the day you want to get a vaccine.
In these cases, your mobile phone number should be under your name to authentificate yourself.

- In some hospitals, you can get a vaccine without reservation. If it is difficult to reserve it, please contact IC office.

I will help you find a hostpial where you can get it without reservation.

2) For the 1st or 2nd shot
- It might be difficult to reserve at the system or Kakao Talk for the 1st or 2nd shot.
- If you contact me, I will help you find a hospital where you can get it without reservation.