

COVID-19 All social distancing rules have been removed except mask wearing

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관리자 2022-04-19 11:58

[All social distancing rules have been removed except mask wearing]

Korean government has removed most of social distancing rules except mask wearing from April 18, 2022.

The restrictions on private gatherings and business hours were removed from April 18 and prohibition on food consumption at multi-use indoor facilities like movie theaters will be removed from April 25.

However, indoor and outdoor masking wearing regulations will remain in effect. The government will consider lifting the outdoor regulations after two weeks.

Even though the government has relaxed general regulations, it doesn't mean that COVID-19 will not spread any more. We should take personal responsibility to keep ourselves and those around us safe and healthy. let's be more careful with personal quarantine rules for our safe and healthy daily life.

For the details, please refer to the notice from Busan City Government at the link below.