Campus LifeStudent Activity

Student Activity

GSI Volunteer Club (3) - fall, 2016

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GSI 2016-11-22 15:47

GSI Volunteer Club (3) - fall, 2016

GSI Volunteer Club (3) - fall, 2016

GSI Volunteer Club (3) - fall, 2016

GSI Volunteer Club (3) - fall, 2016

Hello everyone! Here is a new update from the volunteer club! Last Friday, November 11, 2016, we did our third volunteer activity for maintaining GSI building at the GSI building.
Here are some details of our activity:
Date: November 11, 2016
Time: 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM or 7:30 PM
Place: GSI building
Activity: Maintaining GSI building
This volunteer activity was fun and easy. We were assigned to help maintaining the new GSI building by cleaning and wiping the desk, chairs and whiteboards for all class in the building. All of us enjoyed this activity very much and stayed until the activity finish.
I would like to thank everyone that joins this club and did their best. It is an honor to join such activity. Have a great day everyone!