Academic Notice Academic Expo - Programming Contest

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관리자 2021-11-02 20:23

What does programming contest?
This contest consists of solving correctly the largest number of exercises set in the shortest time possible.
Multiple exercises will be proposed and there will be two hours to solve them.
Once finished, the participating teams will be ranked according to the most problems solved. In the event of a tie in the number of problems solved, the team that solved them before will win.

When does it take place?
The contest will take place on November 16, 2021, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. (KST).

Which language is used for?
Any programming language can be used.

Is there any prize?
Of course!! This is a non-profit educational competition, however, we have the GIFT for WINNERS (First, Second, and Third place).
How many members should be in a team?
Teams of one to two people can participate.
Participants can select one of the subjects below and may get extra points. Submit your participation certificate to the professor in charge. Participants cannot select multiple subjects.
  - Advanced programming
  - Web programming
  - Computer graphics
  - Programming Method
  - Using Game Engine
How can I register?
To participate in the contest, fill the form TILL MONDAY midnight! (November 08, 23:59) → THURSDAY (November 11, 23:59)