Academic Notice Academic Expo - Creative Developer Contest

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관리자 2021-11-04 01:57

We would recommend that students develop and implement projects to make a positive change in the world. The Creative Developer Contest aims to make students deliver a professional presentation of ideate, design, and prototype to an actual audience.

This contest is open to everyone, but at least students who have completed (or will be completed until Nov. 12) a project may apply to participate in the Creative Developer Contest.

The contest will take place on November 16, 2021, from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. (KST).

Of course!! We have the gift for winners.
Participants can select one of the subjects below and may get extra points. Submit your participation certificate to the professor in charge. Participants cannot select multiple subjects.
  - Fundamentals of Software
  - Sensor and Interface
  - Capstone design1
  - Computer graphics
  - Cloud Computing
  - Game Project 1
  - Contents Workshop2
  - Contents Workshop4

The topic of the project is unlimited but must be related to your major. Students are assigned 10-minutes sessions to present and demonstrate their project results. Participants are judged on overall knowledge of the project topic, thoroughness of development results, and presentation skills.

  • Phase 1: Registration UNTIL NOV. 10, 2021.  NOV. 11, 2021.
    • Click here ( ) to participate in the contest.
    • Join as an individual or team (Teams of one to three people can participate. But, you must present what was the role respectively in the teams).
    • A text description of your project (idea)
      Phase 2: Submit your Presentation file and Poster TILL NOV. 12, 2021 NOV. 13, 2021.
      • Submit your Presentation and Poster files by email ( )
      • Please download and use the attached template for your presentation.
      • To make your poster, please download the template. You must submit it as a PSD file or image file (JPEG, PNG, PDF)
          ※ Precautions.
            - Submit the work file when submitting the PSD file.
            - Please check the size and resolution when submitting the image file.
                * Required Resolution: 300DPI
                * Size: A1(594×841mm)
        Phase 3: Poster Printing on NOV. 15, 2021.
        • Check Poster Before/After print (Final)
          Phase 4: Creative Developer Contest on NOV. 16, 2021.
          • Project presentation
          • All participants must bring their recorded video(for the simulation) and presentation file to the contest site on a USB drive

※ Your submitted project must a) be original (designed and implemented by yourself); b) be solely owned by Contestant, who represents that no other party has any rights or interest, whether known or unknown; and 3) does not infringe the third-party intellectual property or privacy rights.