
Academic Notice 2022 Graduation Evaluation Plan (1st Assessment)

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관리자 2021-11-19 12:04

Dear student of Animation&VFX major,

I'm informing you about the 2022 Graduation Evaluation Plan (1st Assessment). Please refer this plan and prepare your graduation work. 


  1. 1. Outline 
  2. The first assessment for students who are expected to graduate in the spring semester of 2022 will be conducted as follows.

   1) Major

  1.        a. Animation & VFX
  2.        b. Game Development

         ※ Attachment 1. Graduation Regulation


  1. 2. Date and Time

    1) Portfolio : 2022. 01. 05. (Wednesday) 10:00 AM ~ 18:00 PM

    2) Graduation Project : 2022. 01. 06. (Thursdau) 10:00 AM ~ 18:00 PM

  1. 3. Location : NM 603

    ※ If students want to participate online, the Academic Advisor approval is required.


  1. 4. Student Submissions

    ※ Caution : If the specified form is not used, it will exclude the evaluation.

      1) Application form

         a. Plans for Studying of Graduation Work

            ※ Attachment 2. Plans for the Studying of Graduation Work Form.


     2) Graduation Work

  1.          a. Animation & VFX

            ⋅Proposal : PDF

             ※ Attachment 3. Proposal Form.

            ⋅Final Graduation Movie : Mov(HD 1920✕1080 / Codec H.264) half size.

             ※ Attachment 6. Standard Size Explanation.

  1.          b. Game Development

            ⋅Proposal : PDF

            ※ Attachment 3. Proposal Form.

            ⋅exe : executable file

      3) Portfolio : Resume, Structure

  1.          a. Resume

            ※ Attachment 4. Resume Form

  1.          b. Structure : Submit in PDF format.

            ※ Attachment 5. Structure Form

  1.          c. Demo Reel : Mov(HD 1920✕1080 / Codec H.264) : Submit by USB

            ※ Attachment 6. Standard Size Explanation.

  1. 5. Submission Date & Materials : Follow the evaluation method specified in the International College graduation regulations.

      1) Plans for Studying of Graduation Work

  1.         a. Material : PDF file
  2.         b. Submission date : 2022. 01. 03. (Monday) 23:00 PM
  3.         c. Place to submit : NM 614
  4.         d. Staff in charge : Assistant Administrator of the IC (Eun-Ji Song), TA(Ji-Yoon Kim)


      2) Graduation Work

  1.          a. Material

            ⋅Proposal : PDF file

            ⋅Final Graduation Work : Mov(HD 1920✕1080 / Codec H.264) half size.

  1.          b. Submission date : 2022. 01. 03. (Monday) 23:00PM
  2.          c. Place to submit : NM 614
  3.          d. Staff in charge : Assistant Administrator of the IC (Eun-Ji Song), TA(Ji-Yoon Kim)


      3) Portfolio

  1.          a. Material

            ⋅Resume : PDF file

            ⋅Structure : PDF file

            ⋅Demo Reel : Mov (HD 1920✕1080 / Codec H.264) half size.

  1.          b. Submission date : 2022. 1. 3. (Monday) 23:00
  2.          c. Place to submit : NM 614
  3.          d. Staff in charge : Assistant Administrator of the IC(Eun-Ji Song), TA(Ji-Yoon Kim)


  1. 6. Presentation Method

     1) Graduation work : The evaluation will be conducted through a discussion by the graduation committee and each student

                                 team ⇨ 45 minutes per team.


     2) Portfolio : Evaluation is conducted individual interview by the graduation committee 30 minutes per student.

  1. 7. Evaluation Committee

    1) Animation & VFX : Hong-Sik Pak, Sung-Hoon Cho, Balgum Song, Sojin Kim


    2) Game Development : Jin Taek Seo, Young-Sil Lee


  1. If students have any questions about evaluation, please meet with your academic advisor.


※ Attachment

 1. Graduation Regulation

  1.  2. Plans for Studying of Graduation Work Form
  2.  3. Proposal Form
  3.  4. Resume Form
  4.  5. Structure Form
  5.  6. Standard Size Explanation
  6.  7. Graduation Work Presentation Order
  7.  8. Portfolio Presentation Order