

Application for work permission

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관리자 2022-01-13 11:43

[Permission for part time work from the immigration office]

D-2 visa holders who want to work part-time are required to obtain Permission from the immigration office before you start to work. If they are caught for working illegally, they will pay a big amount of fine and, in worse cases, will get expelled from Korea.

If you want to apply for work permission, you can do it online at the Hi Korea website at https://www.hikorea.go.kr/Main.pt
You can also visit the immigration office for application, but these days it is difficult to reserve a visit to the immigration office due to social distancing.

The process for online application is as below.

1. Prepare the required documents
   1) Signed contract from the work place

   2) Business registration Certificate (사업자등록증) of the work place
   3) Confirmation form of part time employment

       *The form is attached in this notice. Fill out either Korean or English version and get it signed by the work place.
   4) Certificate of enrollment (재학증명서) _ Korean version
   5) Transcript (성적증명서) _ Korean version
      *3) and 4 are available from the certificate issuing machine on the 4th floor of New Millennium Building by card

           or at the Student Service Center by cash on the same floor.  Korean version 
   6) TOPIK or IELTS certificate

2. Visit IC office with the documents above.
   *I should check the documents and sign on it. I can give you a document to prove that you study in English.

3. Apply at the Hi Korea website (https://www.hikorea.go.kr/Main.pt)
   1) Creat your account at the website
   2) Membership Log-in
   3) Click "Apply" in the Petition Application button on the main page
   4) Find "Permission for Part Time Work of International Students (D-2) and Language Trainees (D-4-1)" and click it.
   5) Scroll down the page and click two "agree" boxes and "Next" to move to application page.
   6) Complete the online form and submit required documents.

4. You can check application status and the result in the "My Page".

   *The website says it takes 10 days.

5. If there is any problem with your application, the immigration office will send you an e-mail by the e-mail address you wrote.

   Please keep checking the e-mail account until the result comes out.

   If you ignore the message, your application will be rejected.