

Academic Notice Course Description for the Korean Courses

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GSI 2017-02-17 12:49

Please note that the GSI Korean courses are levelled according to the Korean Language Proficiency.

- Writing and Communication (Basic)
- Korean through Dramas and Movies (Intermediate)
- Current News in Korean (Advanced)

- Topik I (Intermediate)
- Topik 2 (Advanced)

Read the course descriptions below and check your Korean proficiency before you take Korean classes.

□ Writing and Communication (Basic)
Writing and Communication is aimed at international students in basic level. For GSI international students, it is an obligatory course of foundation studies in the Spring Semester.

□ Korean through Dramas and Movies (Intermediate)
Korean through Dramas and Movies is aimed at international students who have taken “Korean 1: Upper Beginning” or learners at an intermediate level with the command of Korean language equivalent to those who have completed “Korean 1: Upper Beginning,” “Korean Grammar” or “all the Korean culture related courses for international students in 2015 and 2016.” (“Korean 1: Upper Beginning” will start to open in the Fall semester of 2017) The course is designed to help students to improve their listening and speaking skills based on grammar and vocabulary by using Korean soap operas or movies as learning material. The soap operas or movies are about Korean pop culture, social issues, or history that are appropriate for their Korean proficiency. Especially, the course allows students to become aware of the difference between spoken and written language. Finally, it also helps students with understanding Korean society, pop culture, Korean history, and so forth.

□ Current News in Korean (Advanced)
Current News in Korean is for the international students in advanced level. The class focuses on reading and listening to Korean news articles, magazines, and other materials on the internet; so that students will be able to enrich their vocabulary as well as improve their reading and listening skills. Moreover, the class helps with a better understanding of Korean society, history, and culture. Finally, idiomatic expressions and advanced grammar rules necessary to comprehend the class content are also covered in this class.

□ Korean TOPIK I (Intermediate)
Korean TOPIK I is aimed at international students who have taken “Korean 1: Upper Beginning” or learners with the command of Korean language equivalent to those who completed “Korean 1: Upper Beginning,” “Korean Grammar” or “all the Korean culture related courses for international students in 2015 and 2016.” (“Korean 1: Upper Beginning” will start to open in the Fall semester of 2017) The course is for students to improve their scores on Test of Proficiency in Korean (TOPIK), a test used to assess Korean proficiency of non-natives whose first language is not Korean, focusing on grammatical structures that have frequently been on TOPIK.

□ Korean TOPIK II (Advanced)
Korean TOPIK II is aimed at international students who have taken Korean TOPIK I or learners with the command of Korean language equivalent to those who completed Korean TOPIK I. Students hoping to take this course are required to have a command of Korean language which will able them to lead the conversation fluently, utilizing compound sentences, based on their knowledge of approximately 1500-2000 vocabulary items that they have to know at an intermediate level.
The purpose of this course is to improve students’ TOPIK scores corresponding to TOPIK II, focusing on grammatical structures that have frequently been on Test of Proficiency in Korean (TOPIK), a test used to assess Korean proficiency of non-natives whose first language is not Korean. Providing systematic Korean grammar lessons, improving learners’ test score is a primary focus of this class.