

General Notice Disinfection of the whole dormitory rooms

Read 670

관리자 2022-03-14 18:19

[Disinfection of the whole dormitory rooms]

The dormitory office has decided to disinfect the whole dormitory rooms on March 17th (Thursday).
The dormitories should be evacuated by 11:00am and you are restricted from entering the dormitory from 11:00am to 6:00pm on the day except the quarantine floors.

-Date: Thursday, March 17th, 2022
-Time: 11:00 to 18:00
-Place: Global Village and International House 2

You cannot enter the dormitory during this time. Since the dormitory office has a master key, you don't need to leave the door open. After disinfection, the doors will be locked again.

Please be prepared for the disinfection and stay outside the dormitory during the time. You will need to find a place to stay like a library, IC Building, or Student Plaza.

The disinfectant will get on the furniture and your belongings in the room. If there are anything to be protected from the disinfectant, please put it in the closet or fully cover it. We advise you to wash or wipe your belongings and furniture after disinfection. Especially, be careful about food or tableware


Also, please take valuable or important items with you when you leave the dormitory.
Attached is a notice from the dormitory office.