

General Notice BFIC intership program for international students

Read 795

관리자 2022-05-24 15:46

[BFIC intership program for international students]

Busan Foundation for International Cooperation (BFIC) announced an summer internship program for international students.
It is a good chance to work at public institutions in Busan.

If you have TOPIK level 4, please consider this internship opportunities during summer vacation.

For more informations, please refer to the BFIC notice (written in Korean) at the link below.

▶Submission Period : 5.24(Tue) ~ 6.8(Wed)
▶How to apply : Submission the application forms by E-mail
▶Inquiries : Tel 051-711-6862 / E-mail osj221@bfic.kr