Academic Notice Change of Major for Current Students

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관리자 2022-06-14 12:40

Finding the right major can be confusing and sometimes overwhelming because it can change the direction of your future. Are you interested in changing your major? If you are currently an undergraduate student at Dongseo University and are interested in changing your major, you may be eligible to apply for a Change of Major.

Key dates & deadlines
 - June 29~July 1, 2022: Application submission
 - July 14~15, 2022: Interview
 - July 20(Wed), 2022: Result Announcement

Consider these really important notes:
 - Many majors have specific admissions requirements, and admissions are not guaranteed.
 - Some majors have portfolio reviews or formal interviews.
 - Some majors have limited admissions times per year or qualifications.

Note. Admissions requirements can vary for new freshmen, new transfers, or current students changing their majors. If you are hoping to switch to a major other than the one in which you are currently enrolled, talk with your academic advisor. Furthermore, for current students, changing your major may result in a change in your degree objective, i.e. B.A., B.S., B.F.A, B.M., etc. For more information on the specific degree objective, please visit the academic department’s webpage.