

General Notice Scavenger Hunt - 2022 International Culture Day / Part II

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관리자 2022-11-14 09:55

[Scavenger Hunt - 2022 International Culture Day / Part II]
For International Culture Day-Part I, we had fun with games on the soccer field.
Next week, we will have Part II of International Culture Day, which will be "Scavenger Hunt".
A scavenger hunt is a game in which the organizers prepare a list defining specific items, which the participants seek to gather or complete all items on.
At 13:00, Nov. 16 (Wed), a list of tasks with points for each task will be given to the participants. If your team completes a task, you will get the points of the task. Participants will try to collect as many points as possible, by completing the tasks. One team with the most points will be a winner to get the prize money, 100,000won.
You can find the program details in the google notice at the link below. If you want to make a team and join the program, you can sign up by writing your names in the google notice.
*Application Deadline: 24:00, Nov. 14 (Mon), 2022