

General Notice Busan City Notice about Visa for Regional Specialization (부산시 지역특화형 비자 시범사업 모집 공고)

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관리자 2023-05-08 11:56

[Busan City Notice about Visa for Regional Specialization (부산시 지역특화형 비자 시범사업 모집 공고)]
*This notice is for the students who already graduated or are going to graduate this August.
The Ministry of Justice has introduced a pilot project of visas for regional specialization. Busan City has been selected for this project, and so Dong-gu, Seo-gu, and Yeongdo-gu are recruiting participants for this visa project.
The participants can apply for an F-2-R visa on the condition that they will live or work in one of the three regions for five years or longer.
Either TOPIK level 3 or KIIP level 3 completion is required.
For the details, please see the notice from Busan City at the link below.
The application period: May 1st ~ May 19th, 2023