

General Notice What to do when you leave dormitory during vacation

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관리자 2023-06-09 12:58

[What to do when you leave dormitory during vacation]


Students who didn’t apply for the dormitory in summer vacation have to leave before June 28th, 2023.


To re-enter the dormitory in the fall semester, you should apply for it and pay the dormitory fee in July. If you miss the application period and don’t pay the dormitory fee in time, you cannot enter the dormitory. Please keep following my notices during vacation.


From August 21st, you can re-enter the dormitory, in the condition that you paid the dormitory fee in July. The rooms will be assigned according to the order in which the dormitory fee is paid.


Before August 21st, it is not possible to enter the dormitory. If you planned to come back before then, you should arrange another place to stay until August 21.


If you leave the dormitory later in July, you can get refund for your dormitory fee. The dormitory fee will be charged 10,000Won per day for the period you stayed. You should apply for refund one week before your departure at the dormitory office.


When you leave the dormitory,


  1. Return your room key to the dormitory office or the guard office.

If you don't stay at the dormitory during vacation, you should return your room key to the dormitory office or to the guard office. If you don’t return the key, you will have to pay for occupying the room.


  1. Store your luggage (two boxes/suitcases) and receive a storage certificate.

The dormitory office will keep two boxes/suitcases of your luggage during vacation. Please pack and bring them to the dormitory office at the application time below, before you leave. You should receive a storage certificate. When you come back after vacation, you should submit the certificate to receive your luggage. Please don’t lose it.

*Storage Application: 09:00-16:00 on Monday to Friday (please avoid lunch break, 12:00-13:00)


  1. Clean your room and remove your personal things in the room

After you leave, the room will be cleaned and the things left will be removed. Don't leave your personal things left in the room.