

General Notice “Busan and Me” TikTok Contest - RESULTS

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관리자 2023-07-22 12:38

International College is happy to announce the results of “Busan and Me” TikTok Contest

On March 11, 2023, Dongseo University announced a video clip contest for students of Petra Christian University (PCU) to
showcase their impressions of Busan and Dongseo University. The contest aimed at encouraging students to creatively capture
their unique experiences and future expectations of living and studying in Busan. We thank all the participants for their contributions and are happy to announce the winning students from PCU.


① First-place: Nicholas Concilio Tamaela / @concilganteng (Interior Design)

② Second-place: Grachielle Federicha / @grachiellefedericha (Interior Design)


③ Third-place: Febby Felisa Tarigan / @febby.felisa (Visual Communication Design)


④ Fourth-place winners:

- Lavenia Felita Jaya / @laveniafel (Interior Design)


- Kezia Valery Suciady / @keitocyst (Visual Communication Design)


- Sheila Clarabella / @angelasheilaaa (Textile and Fashion Design)


- Michelle Gaby Yovela / @micelgaby (Interior Design)



- Ayrine Fourensia Tejo / @ayrinefourensia2 (Textile and Fashion Design)



 Judging Criteria:

The judging was based on the amount of likes and views the video received on TikTok. Creativity was also judged by a panel of professors and students from Dongseo University. The video with the highest number of likes and views will be declared the winner.



The winner will also be featured on the DSU website and social media platforms.

① The first-place winner will receive 100000 KRW worth gift.

② The second-place winner will receive 70000 KRW worth gift. 

③ The third-place winner will receive 50000 KRW worth gift. 

④ The five fourth-place winners will receive a 20000 KRW worth gift.