

General Notice Dormitory Fee Payment for 2023 fall semester

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관리자 2023-07-26 11:06

[Dormitory Fee Payment for 2023 fall semester]

To live at the dormitory in 2023 fall semester, you can check your application result and pay the dormitory fee from today.
This time, you can choose payment method: 1) bank transfer 2) through FlyWire.

If you use FlyWire, you can pay by credit card or from a bank account in your country. If you need to pay from abraod, please choose FlyWire.

*Payment period: July 26 (Thu) - August 10 (Thu), 2023

[How to pay]

1. Log in the dormitory system and check your application result.
Please check the amount of your dormitory fee, and choose payment method.
*Dormitoy System Link: https://campus.dongseo.ac.kr/loadPage.do?jspPage=/sub/dorm/login

2. If you want to pay by bank transfer in Korea, you can find a virtual bank account in the same page.
Otherwise, you can see it in the invoice after pushing "Print" at the bottom. If you want to pay it at the bank, you should print this invoice and bring it with cash. It is the same as you did before.

3. If you choose "Flywire", please click "FlyWire Link Click" in the page.
You can use Flywire both abroad and in Korea. But, you cannot use a bank account in Korea in Flywire.

4. The Flywire website has multi language services. Please change a language and choose your country.
In the next step, you can choose a payment method: 1) bank transfer from your country and 2) credit card.
For credit card payment, some fees might be added for credit card usage. You can see the amount and choose one.

5. If you want to see a manual of Flywire, please visit the dormitory notice at the link below.