

General Notice 2023 Public Speaking Contest

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관리자 2023-10-20 15:12

[2023 Public Speaking Contest]

○ Targets: Korean/international enrolled undergraduate students who take a course at International College this semester

○ Contest type: Individual competition

○ Theme: Global Awareness

○ Topic: *Please choose one of the following two topics

  1.             -My Greatest Environmental Concern
  2.             -Should I Be Concerned with Cultural Appropriation

○ Speech Language: English

○ Submission Requirements:

    - Deadline: by November 6 (Mon), 2023 (before midnight)

    - Things to submit: 1) a completed application form (attached in this notice)

                              2) typed document of speech

   ※ The length of the speech should be 3 to 5 minutes

     -MS Word / 300~500 words

     -Hangeul / A4 1~1.5 page with a font size of 11 points, 160% line spacing

     -Online submission: by e-mail at jeong@gdsu.dongseo.ac.kr

Event Schedule

    -Application: October 23 (Mon) – November 6 (Mon), 2023

    -Document Screening: November 7 (Thu), 2023

    -Notification of participants going to the finals: November 8 (Wed), 2023

    -Final Contest: November 15 (Wed), 2023, 13:00-15:00 at IC 202

 Evaluation Criteria (Total 10 pt.):

    -Clarity in English (3), Organization of Ideas (3), Delivery (4)

 Awards will be given for 3 categories. 

Prize Money

1st Prize

100,000 KRW

2nd Prize

70,000 KRW

3rd Prize

50,000 KRW

*If there is no suitable participant for each prize, we may not select a winner of the prize.