General Notice Application Guidelines for Excused Absences (유고결석계)

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관리자 2024-03-11 17:15

Students must apply directly through the Student Support System and receive approval from the Academic Affairs Office.
Step for applying application for Excused Absences
- Step 1. Writing Application on Student Support System
- Step 2. Submission/Confirmation to Academic Affairs Office
- Step 3. Approval by the Academic Affairs Office
- Step 4. Print out the excused absence form and carry supporting documents. Submit directly to the professor in charge of the class for which you are absent.
A. Precautions for Applying for Medical Excused Absences
To be approved, absences due to illness must be applied for through the Student Support System within seven days of the occurrence. (Even if documents are being prepared, they should be submitted through the system within seven days and then attached later.)

Illness - Required Documents: Documents with the name of the disease and hospital visit date
 (Medical certificates and treatment confirmation documents) - Applications will not be approved without a disease name or code
Hospitalization - Required Documents: Documents stating the period of hospitalization and the name of the illness
Menstrual Leave for one day - Required Documents: Documents with the name of the illness and hospital visit date
Cyber lectures are excluded. (Synchronous remote classes via ZOOM are recognized)
No relevant provision for cyber elective courses (e.g., BDU, OCU)
Attendance recognition for COVID-19 diagnosis - Required Documents: COVID-19 positive confirmation document
 (Class attendance recognized during the 5-day government-recommended quarantine)
※ Please submit the documentary evidence (medical certificate/prescription/treatment confirmation) and permit to the professor in charge of the class after the Academic Affairs Office approves. (Attendance will not be recognized if documentary evidence is not provided)
B. Precautions for Applying for Excused Absences Due to Family Events
○ Your own wedding – 7 days (including holidays)
○ Your own childbirth – 14 days (including holidays)
○ Spouse's childbirth – 7 days (including holidays)
○ Death of your or your spouse's parents – 7 days (including holidays)
○ Death of a spouse – 7 days (including holidays)
○ Death of (grand)parents or siblings of you or your spouse – 3 days (including holidays)
○ Death of a child or child's spouse – 7 days (including holidays)
 (Required Documents: One copy of the death certificate / Family relationship certificate with the deceased)