Acquiring valuable in-depth case knowledge via fieldwork and interactions with people, such as situations involving Egyptian museums and cultural heritage preservation, to aid in research pertaining to cultural heritage restoration.
The Grand Egyptian Museum, which was constructed in Cairo, Egypt's Pyramids of Giza, is comparable to Korea's National Museum. Through a global competition organized by the Egyptian government in 2003, it will be inaugurated in 2023 with financing and expert assistance from UNESCO. As the best museum in the world dedicated to preserving old cultural treasures, it was a project in which size and exhibition design specialists from Europe and the United States collaborated.
The weather in Egypt is mainly dry. The whole nation has a desert environment, with the exception of the limited coastal regions in the Nile River Valley and the Mediterranean Sea. The climate becomes drier and hotter as you travel further inland. There are parts of the western and southern regions where it hasn't rained for a long time. On the Mediterranean coast, the year is divided into two seasons, summer and winter, and there is little precipitation in the winter. The summer season, which lasts from April to October, features high temperatures and dry air, while the winter season, which lasts from November to March, features hot days and cool nights.
It is the 14th largest country in the world with a population of over 100 million. In addition, the population has increased fivefold in 70 years. 96% of Egypt's land is an uninhabitable desert, so people are living in the land near the Nile River, which is about 4% where people can live.
Dongseo University, International College's Cultural Heritage Digital Restoration Lab observes these historical relics and strives to incorporate them into students' education. In particular, we are looking at this with interest as an opportunity for research on restoring cultural heritage by applying digital realization technology.