Academic Notice [2024 Fall Semester] Course List for Game Development Junior [3rd Grade Students]

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Course List
Course CodeCourse NameClass no.ClassroomCredits
328493Computer Network 201IC 4013
328496Programming Method201IC 4013
328494Artificial Intelligence Programming 201IC 4013
328495Computer Graphics Programming201IC 5013
325645Virtual Showcase(Unity,Unreal)201CAS 51063
1) You must sign up for all the Major Courses listed in the table. (Total 15 credits)
2) You can sign up for a maximum of 19 credits (Including liberal arts courses or any courses from other majors) 
3) Completion of the program requires 65 credits from DSU (for 4 semesters)
Course Registration Period : August 21th (Wed) 12:00 - August 23th (Fri) 09:00~23:59
1) August 21th (Wed) : 3-4th year students
2) August 22th (Thu) : 1-2th year students 
3) August 23th (Fri) : All students ( major, other major, liberal arts course)
Course Drop & Add Period : September 2nd (Mon) 09:00 - September 7th (Sat) 23:59 
1st Period
Computer Network 
IC 401
2nd Period
Virtual Showcase
CAS 5106
3rd Period
Computer Graphics Programming 
4th Period
5th Period
6th Period
7th Period
IC 401
Artificial Intelligence Programming 
IC 401
8th Period
9th Period