Interview with Nguyễn Thu Hiền, Alumni and former president of the Workplace Wellness Research Lab

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관리자 2023-11-20 00:00

Nguyễn Thu Hiền served as the inaugural president of the Workplace Wellness Research Society, which has since evolved into the Workplace Wellness Research Lab. Hiền completed her degree in Business Administration from Dongseo University International College in 2021. Today, she thrives as a accomplished businesswoman, embracing life to the fullest. You can learn more about her journey in this video: Link.


  1. Can you share some of your fondest memories from your time with the Workplace Wellness research club.

One of the most cherished aspects of my time as the President of the Workplace Wellness Research Society was the vibrant exchange of ideas within our club. The atmosphere was electric with discussions that ranged from the serious to the lighthearted. The diversity of opinions on various health aspects fueled our debates, making them both heated and enjoyable. It was during these interactions that we uncovered valuable insights, strengthening the bonds between members and creating lasting memories.


  1. How did your experiences at our school shape your personal and professional life?


The guidance and mentorship I received acted as a compass, steering me toward the right path. The nurturing environment fostered a sense of belonging, pushing me to explore my potential. It was, indeed, a transformative period that not only equipped me with academic knowledge but also instilled in me the values that continue to guide my professional endeavors. The lessons learned and the connections forged during my time at our school laid the foundation for the fulfilling journey that followed.


  1. What advice do you have for current students who are looking to make the most of their time at our school? 


To the current students seeking to make the most of their time at our school, I offer this advice: live each day to its fullest. Approach learning with humility, acknowledging that there is always more to discover. Seek inspiration from your peers and professors, fostering an environment of collaboration and knowledge exchange. Keep an open mind to the vast array of information available, as it is through this diversity that you will truly broaden your horizons. Embrace challenges, as they are stepping stones to growth, and make the most of the opportunities that come your way.


  1. How do you manage stress at work?


In the fast-paced world of work, managing stress is crucial. I have found that mindfulness and effective time management are key components of maintaining balance. By staying present in the moment and organizing my schedule efficiently, I ensure that I remain on track with my tasks and deadlines. Moreover, I emphasize the importance of reaching out to friends or supervisors when the need for assistance arises. Building a support system is not only beneficial for personal well-being but also contributes to a collaborative and positive work environment.


  1. Any words of encouragement or wisdom for our current students as they embark on their academic journey and prepare for life after graduation?


Your time at DSU is a unique chapter in your life, filled with opportunities for growth and self-discovery. Embrace challenges with resilience, for they are the catalysts for your development. Remember that the journey may not always be easy, but every hurdle is a chance to learn and evolve. Believe in your capabilities, surround yourself with positivity, and never underestimate the impact you can have on the world. As you navigate the complexities of academia and beyond, trust in your potential and savor the richness of the experiences that await you. The best is yet to come.

This photograph was captured at the Marine City Yacht Club during the World Wellness Weekend. World Wellness Weekend is a global event that supports the United Nations. The event is pro-bono and is supported by 30 mayors and six secretaries of health and tourism.The photo features Professor Kessler, Nguyễn Thu Hiền, Anh Phương Nguyễn, Réka Gombos, and the CEO of Wellmi Wellness Solutions, Laura Jeon. Professor Kessler served as the Ambassador to Busan for World Wellness Weekend at that time. As a highlight of the occasion, participants are doing ‘WELFIE’ or W hand sign, symbolizing wellness.