

Is there any support or extra-curricular events for the international students?

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GSI 2016-02-02 10:18

GSI supports international events such as Forum, Cultural events and Club activities. Please see below for the detailed information

- Student Support
▶GSI Bi-weekly Day: Supporting international students to adapt to university through Q&A Session twice a month
▶GSI Help Desk: Run by Volunteer scholarship students (Korean and International students)
▶Special lecture on Korean language and Korean culture tutoring
▶Special lectures on external personnel related in employment
▶Organizing peer-teaching groups

- Extra-curricular Event
▶Academic Forum (or Reflections on the DSU Life)
▶International Culture Day: Performances from each country of the students
▶International Weeks: Open booths or desks to introduce each country's culture and history

- Club Activities
▶Promotion Club: Making a Youtube video "I Love DSU"
▶Korean Exchange Club: Performing mutual interchange with local students
▶Sports Club: Operating fitness activities with Division of Leisure and Sports Science
▶Volunteer Club: Volunteering activities in suburb areas
▶Music Club: Sharing each culture through musical performances