

How to Apply for Minor/Double Major?

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GSI 2016-02-02 11:01

 1. Eligible Students
   ① Enrolled sophomore students or higher level. 
   ② Students reinstating as a sophomore student or as a higher level among students who are expected to reinstate from the second semester of every academic year.

2. Application Qualification
    ① Students whose cumulative grade point average (GPA) is 2.5 or higher,
    ② and satisfy the completed credit per academic year (refer to the completed credit by academic year/semester)

※ [Completed Credits by Academic Year/Semester]
  (General Major) (Division of Health Sciences) (Major in Architectural Design (5 year course))
1-1   17          18              17
1-2   33          35              33
2-1   49          53              49
2-2   65          70              65
3-1   82          88              82
3-2   98          105              98
4-1   114         123             114
4-2   130         140             130
5-1                             148
5-2                             165
※ Department of Public Health Administration to apply general major completed credits

3. Application Procedure
① Fill in the application form
-> Provided at the Office of Academic Affairs (4th FL of Millennium Hall) or the Department Office
② Seal by advising professor of corresponding major/ Seal by advising professor of applying major
③ Submit application form - Office of Academic Affairs
-> 1 copy of application form
-> 1 copy of academic transcript (copy for inspection)