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Student Activity

International Week (spring semester 2017)

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관리자 2018-03-22 13:47

International Week (spring semester 2017)

The Global Studies Institute was a very exciting and welcoming event for the DSU students. 
The participating teams have a chance to represent their own countries and promote their culture. This year, we have students from countries like Indonesia, Uzbekistan, Korea, Vietnam, China, and Malaysia come together and make Internation Week happen. Cultural activities, exhibition, and cultural performances were carefully prepared before the event. For Indonesian booth, they have the most students participating in traditional food and traditional food presented and even art

pieces exhibited. For Uzbekistan, we had a chance to try their delicious cuisine that few of us had actually tried before. In addition to the traditionally fried spring rolls and traditional sweets, the Vietnamese booth also offered a fun traditional game where winners got to bring home small prizes. We did not know what to do with this amazing international week but also had so much fun going around and observing the cultures we only heard by names before. 

Prior to the booth event, we also held a busking event where all the countries could represent themselves on stage, such as singing, dancing, theater acting ...