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Student Activity

GSI Korean Exchange Club- Spring, 2016

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GSI 2016-04-06 22:33

GSI Korean Exchange Club- Spring, 2016 GSI Korean Exchange Club- Spring, 2016
On the 1st of April 2016, the KEC (Korean Exchange Club) held its very first opening meeting for the semester. The opening was held at the New Millennium Building in room 422 at 6 p.m. This meeting was opened by the KEC captains, Cho Seo-Hyun (representing the Korean members) and Tabita Ivana Tumbelaka (representing the foreign members).

More than 40 people came to the opening, which means more that 20 teams were present. A number of members who joined the KEC club were not able to attend the opening because they participated in other GSI club activities on the same evening. The KEC rules and regulations were top priority on the agenda and were discussed at the opening. They were explained in English and Korean. Following the explanation of the rules, all members were asked to introduce themselves. The Korean members were asked to introduce themselves in English; and in turn, the foreign members introduced themselves in Korean. Before concluding the meeting, a group photo of all the club members was taken to commemorate the semester opening. The meeting was closed with snacks and free time mingling in order to get to know not only club partners; but also, other teams as well.

The opening meeting was without a doubt a great success. The members seemed to truly enjoy themselves during the meeting. Everyone concluded the meeting and returned home happy and safe with expectations for many more great meetings in the future.