Student Work

Research Papers Conference of Korea Institute of Convergence Signal Processing (KICSP) in 2018

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관리자 2021-11-23 11:35

Development of an University Dormitory Management System
Abstract:  This paper explores a mobile and web application for university dormitory management office and students. UniDorm - an application that uses a database and helps students and people in charge of dormitory management to keep in touch. Current research shows that, foreign students who live in dormitory have some difficulties to contact the university, they have to go to the International exchange office or Student Support Center just to talk about their problems. On the other hand, if the management office wants to say something to students, people in charge need to contact via email and it is the only connection way. Many Universities do not have any special programs for this condition, there are special software programs for E-class(a special app which helps students to check their classes online) and university web-site but there is no special program to communicate with students. In this paper, we develop an application which would be the bridge between students who live in dormitory and dormitory management office.