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Student Activity

GSI Music Club - Spring, 2016

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강도연 2016-04-12 11:35

GSI Music Club - Spring, 2016
Music Club Report
(First Week)

▶ Date: Friday, April 1, 2016
▶ Time: 17:00- 19:00
▶ Tasks: Introduction of Songs and Personalization

Today was our second meeting. We shared some songs we chose to represent ourselves. We chose these songs in advance of our meeting, so we would be ready for our presentation time. We didn’t want to lose any time in the meeting. Each student introduced a song they prepared and explained why they chose it. They also gave a brief explanation and shared their opinions about how they felt when they hear or sing the song they presented.

The first meeting went well, but we hope to have improvements for our next meeting. Although, the members of our group were prepared, some members may have felt the meeting a little boring. We really want our club to be enjoyable and we hope our members will benefit from sharing our love of music.

Our first meeting lasted two hours and many songs were shared. At the end of our gathering some of the members met to discuss future meetings and how to improve them. Overall, it was a good experience for our first meeting, but I am hopeful that the upcoming meetings will really be something to look forward to.

Keep Calm and Keep Singing….