Student Work

Research Papers IEEE/ICACT2020, 22nd International Conference on Advanced Communications Technology (ICACT2020)

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관리자 2021-11-23 11:51

Implementation of web application based on Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)method for People with Hearing and SpeechImpairment
Abstract: One of the most important things that humans need in their life is communication. Communication helps to spread knowledge, information and different forms of relationships between people. Unfortunately, millions of people around the world are unable to enjoy this blessing. With this in mind, the number of communication devices, applications, systems, strategies and tools that replace or support natural speech is increasing rapidly. This paper describes an AAC software we developed that helps both disabled children and adults to communicate easily with other people especially in office work, school or social gatherings. To use this software, users should input a sentence and it will converted to audio speech using built-in voices for male or female. In addition to that, it can convert voice that received by microphone into text and display it on the screen for deaf people to read.