Student Work

Research Papers Conference of Korea Institute of Convergence Signal Processing (KICSP) in 2020

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관리자 2021-11-23 11:53

Design and Implementation of a New e-Commerce Platform for Online Retailer
Abstract: Nowadays, everything is being computerized from small daily tasks to the very big stuff that cannot be done by humans. Among of them, e-commerce is reshaping many aspects of business and social life, and its influence is increasing every year. In the past, people used to go to the markets to do shopping by themselves in person. However, nowadays, we are the busiest generation ever and people, especially young generations, often want more spare time instead of going and do shopping or trade by ourselves in person. Besides, recently, as the “reseller” craze for buying and selling goods is blowing, awareness of second-hand transactions is becoming more common, and users' needs are also increasing. Accordingly, due to the environmental characteristics of the accessible online market, it provides related services in open markets or portals, in addition to second-hand products specialized platforms. However, most open markets or portals take the form of supporting intermediary services for second-hand transactions, and the portion of second-hand products in the overall scale is very small. In this paper, we design and implement a new e-commerce platform to online retailing which sells or buys online simultaneously, unlike traditional open market platforms.