

Does it have any regulation for Kitchen Use

Read 1,846

GSI 2016-04-15 16:17

Rules for Kitchen Use

1. Please wash filter after using kitchen sink
2. Please separate food waste
3. Please turn off the ventilator
4. Please turn off electric range after use (Risk of fire)
5. Please do not pour the waste oil in the sink (It may blocks the kitchen drain)
- Do not drink or smoke in the kitchen (If you violate the rule, you can not use the kitchen)
- Kitchen Opening Hours 07:00-23:00

Rules for Refrigerator

1. When you keep your food in the refrigerator, Please seal food in the plastic bag (Or food container) and put your name and room number. (Food without name stickers will be discarded) You can get name sticker from Dormitory Security Office.
2. Please keep reasonable amount of food and check expiration date.
3. Please throw away food after expiration date.