Student Work

Research Papers 2020 Conference of Woman's ICT Committee, Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering

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관리자 2021-11-23 11:59

Upgrading Educational Website with Django Python Framework
Abstract: Every year thousands of students make a decision that will have a significant impact to the rest of their lives. They select what college or university to attend, and this decision may affect their career, earnings, and professional development in future. In order to select a university, students search information about universities and for this, they refer to the universities’ websites. Therefore, it is important for each university to have a well-designed and informative website with proper usability and accessibility. One of the educational university websites with an attractive user interface is the (Namangan State University, Uzbekistan). However, it has a lot of bugs like lack of coding accuracy, unclickable navigation bar buttons, and a lack of flexibility in the database. In this paper we introduce an upgrade of the official website of Namangan State University with new functionalities, popular programming languages, and libraries.