

Culture and Technology Contest

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관리자 2019-10-25 11:45

We held Culture and Technology Contest on October 18th 2019. 12 team were gathered in order to make their own project. There are Animation and Film / VFX Categories with 6 groups competing in each category. The event was held in Minseok Library. Each category have their own session where Animation category started at 1pm and Film / VFX started at 3pm. There is 1 winner for the gold prize, 2 for silver prize, and 3 for bronze.

The first winner of Animation category is the team Poker with their work “Lost”


The protagonist of our story is a 'colorful' boy. One day, his father took him to a big 'factory'. There he saw many children like him, brought here by their parents. It said that the 'factory' is a place to make perfect people. After he entered the factory, the 'factory' gradually use machines remolded him to a monochrome person who lost his individuality. Finally he went out and found everyone became the same, so does he. So we're trying to say that 'Assimilation forms of education should not be advocated'.


Zhang Zhi Meng | Wang Jia Qi | Wang Ya Ge | Liu Xue Yao | Gao Jie

The first prize winner of Film / VFX category is the team Spacecraft Company with their work “In the Blink of an Eye”


A story about a boy from a divorced family decided to elope with his homosexuals on the day of the fireworks festival. He found that his dependent mother and his lover had emotional entanglement. And Finally decided to commit suicide at the place of agreement. However, this is a misunderstanding, will he know if he will be saved.


Shi Si Wen | Pan Miao Xin | Dan Ying | Liu Run Min | Luo Yi Jia | Lin Yi Shan

Animation Awards:

Film / VFX Awards: