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Student Activity

GSI Volunteer Activity (May, 2016)

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GSI 2016-06-01 13:54

GSI Volunteer Activity (May, 2016) GSI Volunteer Activity (May, 2016) GSI Volunteer Activity (May, 2016) GSI Volunteer Activity (May, 2016) GSI Volunteer Activity (May, 2016) GSI Volunteer Activity (May, 2016)
This is a GSI volunteer Activity Update!

As one of our regular activities, we went to the Busan City Hall Square on May 21, 2016.
Many GSI students came to join, including students from Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and Uzbekistan.

Date: May 21, 2016
Time: 10:30AM ~ 1:00PM
Place: Busan City Hall Square
Activity: (Free meal service)

This event was especially difficult. Previously, we were assigned to wash the dishes, but it was changed this time.

We distributed food, washed the dishes, and delivered heavy cooking pots and bowls. Some students stayed and worked from start to finish.

I would like to take this chance to thank all of the students who did their best. Though it was tough, we had a great time and worked with big smiles.