

General Notice Welcoming Ceremony for Fall semester, 2016

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GSI 2016-08-30 20:11

Global Studies Institute would like to inform you of the Welcome Ceremony for Fall Semester 2016.

As the semester starts this week, I would like to give all of you an opportunity to say hello to everyone.
The Dean and the GSI professors will participate in the ceremony to meet you with your academic advisors. The new GSI programs will be introduced during this welcoming ceremony. Further, GSI students club sign ups are also possible during the event.

For an awesome start of a new semester, the GSI invites all the GSI international students, DSU exchanges students, KGSP undergraduate, and all the other major international students. Korean GSI supporters and DSU students will also come to welcome you all.

- Date / Time: Sep. 1, 2016 / 17:00 ~
- Venue: 7th Floor, GSI building (Building No. 31)

For this semester, the available GSI Clubs are as below:
-KEC (Korean Exchange Club)
-Art Club
-Music Club
-Sports Club
-English conversation Club
-Game club