

General Notice Notice for Public Service Class

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GSI 2016-09-01 21:02

To fulfill graduation requirements, you will need to take Chapel or Public Service.

The Public Service class should be registered and you should take the course using the student support system.

Course code: 145634
Class Number: 101

To pursue the course, I would like to inform you of the weekly report submission requirement.

As you might be aware, credit will be given only if you fulfill the conditions shown below:
- Activities participation (more than 20 hours)
ㅇ You can fulfill these hours with student club activities, public service, or participation in GSI events.
- Submission of a "Weekly Report" form (submission on every Thursday)
ㅇ You must write a detailed summary of the weekly activity and include a picture; submit these to the office
ㅇ You must submit the weekly report every Thursday (2PM-4PM).
※ Please keep the submission date and time; failure to do so, may result in your report not being accepted
※ You can download the form here
If you need any further information, please contact to gsi@dongseo.ac.kr / 051-320-4801