

GSI Welcoming Fall Semester 2016

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GSI 2016-09-06 16:11

On September 1st 2016, we welcomed the new freshmen and also the exchange student who just come to Dongseo University! The event was held in the newly opened GSI building, in a very beautiful new glass-surrounded classroom. The room very packed with lots of people not only from Korea, but from all around the world! There were students from Uzbekistan, China, Japan, Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Lithuania, Egypt, Finland, and more!

Through this occasion, Professor Kim, Hekyung, the Dean of GSI shared to the students about what GSI is and what kind of events and activities are GSI having this fall semester. It was said that there are going to be International Culture Nights, Starry Movie Nights, the Chess Contest, and also Reflections on the University Life. Professors of Global Liberal Arts Program (GLAP) and GSI classes were also invited to share their thoughts to inspire students to start their new semester.

Here are some welcoming speeches from the home professors:

"It was great to welcome all the new international students to the Global Studies Institute at Dongseo University. Moving to a different country and studying in a different culture is one of the best experiences a student can have, I hope during their time at Dongseo University the new students take advantage of all of the opportunities Korea has to offer. It is a great opportunity for these students to learn about different people, countries, and cultures but also gives them a chance to become global citizens and leaders on the international stage. I wish them all the best in the future."
-Michael Walker-

"Studying abroad is a wonderful opportunity, and it is what you make of it. Embrace the differences and embrace the change. With an open mind and a little effort, the experience will be wonderful. Welcome to the GSI!"
-Sean O'Malley-

"Studying abroad can be an amazing experience, but the benefits you receive depend on the investments you make. To get the most from your time away, it's important to build friendships with Korean students and other international students. One way to do this is to participate actively in campus life. The GSI offers many opportunities to meet new people through clubs, group gatherings, and student spaces. Don't be shy to say "hello" first! Also, even though your classes are taught in English, learning Korean will deepen your cultural understanding and facilitate your everyday activities. A little effort can go a long way. Finally, it's important to have fun, but never neglect your studies."
-Keir Thonburg-

"I'd recommend they enjoy their time in university as much as they can. Studying is important, but so is developing an ability to be able to have fun even when you're really busy.
Also, it's a very good idea for students to take more Introduction to Economics" courses (Joke!)"
-Nelson Perish-

Here are some pictures from the opening events!