

COVID-19 After COVID-19 Vaccination

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관리자 2021-08-13 13:31

[After COVID-19 Vaccination]

From next week, students start to get vaccinated from their 1st shot.
I would like to share what to do after vaccination, referring to the WHO website.

1. Please stay in the vaccination center for about 15-30 minutes to monitor your reaction to the vaccine and make sure you don’t

    experience any severe side effects. 

2. Don't take a shower one day after vaccination.

3. Take a good rest and drink lots of water for a few days from the previoius day

4. Don't exercise too much and sleep as much as possible for a few days.
5. Expect minor side effects
   After being vaccinated, some side effects are normal and expected. Side effects are a sign that your body is building immune

   protection. These side effects typically go away within a few days. Common side effects observed with COVID-19 vaccines

   include: some pain, swelling and redness on the arm where you received the injection, chills or mild fever, tiredness, headaches,

   joint pain or muscle ache.
6. Take care of yourself
   If you experience minor side effects, you might take some medicine such as acetaminophen (Tylenol®).
   If your symptoms are more severe, or last longer than a week, you should see a doctor.
7. Care for the arm where your vaccine was injected
   You can reduce any pain or discomfort in the arm where you got the vaccine, by applying a cool, clean, wet washcloth over the

   area. Don't make the area hot.
8. Check your 2nd shot appointment
   Most COVID-19 vaccines need two doses to work. The 2nd shot is automatically reserved and might be changed. Please check

   and remeber the date and time in the message or the website.
9. Keep up preventive behaviours
   It’s important that you continue to follow preventive measures after being vaccinated. This is because COVID-19 vaccines have

   proven effective at stopping people developing the virus, but we don't yet know whether they prevent people from passing

   infection onto others. 

For more details, please visit the WHO website at https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/covid-19-vaccines/advice