

Academic Notice Student Consultation Program

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GSI 2017-03-17 16:32

Student Consultation Program

Students in the GSI program will participate in the Student Consultation Program. You will contact the teacher you desire to work with—Laura Stephenson, Thomas Humpal, or Michael Walker. You will speak twice a semester to one of them. During your conversation, you will drink coffee or tea and eat snacks and chat. You can talk in the GSI office, the professors’ office, or even go to a coffee shop.

The idea is for you to be able to talk to the professors about anything you want, whether it be about your studies, problems you may be having, or anything else. We want to be sure everything is going well with you here at Dongseo.

You will still be required to do 20 hours of volunteer work a semester. Each hour of mentoring, up to 2 hours, will be deducted from your volunteer hours requirement, so you will have to do 18 hours of volunteer work instead of 20.

Talk to us before or after class, or text or email us, to set up your appointment. You can come alone, or you can bring a classmate if you want! We look forward to getting to know you better!

Professor Michael Walker

Professor Thomas Humpal

Professor Laura Stephenson

Best regards,

The GSI Team