

General Notice Reflection Event (Fall semester, 2016)

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GSI 2016-12-09 17:08

GSI is happy to announce that Reflection event in the fall semester, 2016 will be held on December 15th. This would be a great opportunity to the students to look back their academic and non-academic life in this semester. This semester, GSI has more than 100 of exchange and degree seeking students.
All the students had a great time participating in curricular and extra curricular activities as below.

- International Culture Night: 8 teams participated in the the culture night event this year. Over 400 visitors come to see the various cultural performances.
- Autumn Trips: Students went on the day trip to Jeonju and Geoje island to discover Korean culture
- Students Clubs: Six clubs have been run; Korean Exchange Club, Music Club, Sports Club, PR Club, Volunteer Club, Art Club, English Conversation Club
- Study Groups: Eleven study groups have been orgnised regarding their own major studies
- Special Lectures: This semester, four special lecture were held on Korea culture, job markets, korean cities and etc.

To celebrate and farewell this amazing semester, we prepare the event for professors and the students studied in GSI, and involved any of GSI programs. At the reflection event, project results will be presented and celebration sessions will also be prepared. You also have opportunities to have a farewell to the students who are leaving DSU. After the event, dinner will be served at the venue. Please see the detailed information below;

- Title: Reflection on the DSU university life in fall semester, 2016
- Venue: #704, GSI Building
- Time: December 15, 2016 / 15:00-17:00 (2 hours) / We will share the completed schedule when confirmed.
- Contact: Junho Han (Mr.) junhohan@gdsu.dongseo.ac.kr / 051) 320-4801