Cultural Heritage Digital Restoration Lab officially starts its first news

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관리자 2022-11-28 23:37

  Cultural Heritage Digital Restoration Lab officially starts its first news post on the school's webpage.

  With the department head's direction of letting students have a broader view of job careers, the lab is set to build a connection between enrolled Master's and Ph.D. students and experts from the cultural heritage protection industry. Our lab members are from an international range, such as Korea, Indonesia, Lithuania, China, and Ukraine. They play roles in creating cultural heritage assets in both digital and aesthetic ways.
  Recently, the lab project included two main research directions. One is about building assets for musical instruments, and another is about creating natural animal assets such as storks, crested ibis, Jeju horses, etc. During the project period, Lab members run weekly meetings to discuss and share ideas about their work. With such practices, it will be expected to see the gradual growth of students' abilities.