Career Tracks

UI/UX/XR Design Track

user experiences, and extended reality experiences across digital products and platforms.

UI (User Interface) design focuses on crafting visually appealing and functional interfaces that make it easy for users to interact with digital products, such as websites and apps. It involves selecting colors, typography, layouts, and other visual elements while considering usability and accessibility.

UX (User Experience) design aims to create satisfying and enjoyable experiences for users by understanding their needs, preferences, and behavior. UX designers conduct research, create personas, develop information architecture, and prototype designs to optimize user interactions and achieve specific goals, such as increased engagement or conversions.

XR (Extended Reality) design refers to designing immersive experiences for technologies like virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and mixed reality (MR). It involves creating 3D environments, assets, and interactions that feel intuitive and natural for users, often considering spatial design, gestures, and audio cues.

UI/UX/XR designers work closely together, using tools like Sketch, Figma, Adobe XD, and Unity to bring digital experiences to life. They often collaborate with developers, product managers, and other stakeholders to ensure seamless implementation of their designs. By focusing on the user and leveraging technology, UI/UX/XR design plays a critical role in creating enjoyable, accessible, and effective digital experiences.

blt01.gif Track Requirements

Course Requirements Extracurricular Activities

Web Design and Development

Attendance of at least one academic forum

Interface Design

User Experience Design

Metaverse: Augmented and Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality Showcase